We recommend finding a safe place to store the STRIKE where no disassembly is required. If shipping or storing the device long term, the shipping case must be utilized.
Remove the thumb screws from the base plate assembly. Place the base plate assembly in the case, with the wheels positioned in the slots.
Figure 1. Shipping case with base plate assembly in position. |
Insert the shipping spacers into the tube to secure the t-handle from side-to-side movement.
Figure 2. Diagram depicting placement of shipping spacers. |
Remove the locking pin from the drop cap. Remove the antenna from the control box. Gently place the tube in the case and position the Styrofoam cutout above the base of the unit.
Figure 3. STRIKE unit placed in shipping case. | Figure 4. Final position of STRIKE and Styrofoam cutout in shipping case. |
Secure case latches. If shipping, secure the case using Zip-Ties.
For any storage questions, please submit a support request or email a STRIKE representative at strike@biocorellc.com.